Saturday, January 9, 2010

Winter Store-Away

I never have liked spring cleaning. It's usually boring, hot, and a plague to my lungs and nose with all the pollen floating around. But I may now have found a different version of cleaning to dislike even more: Winter Store-Away. The past few days have not been about a mass airing out the house or purging our rooms of unused items, but rather it has been a game of "where can we hide the most stuff." Because many people will be staying here while we are off, the house must look neat an organized. Not so much that we want to fare the 20-30 degree weather to open all the windows or wash the porches, but enough so that things look in tip top shape. Instead, Christmas presents have been put away, and all the food is being eaten in the house as if we need to hibernate for the winter and won't have any until spring. I suppose it will be nice to come back to, but for now it seems like a new museum is being opened up.


  1. I can imagine this must have been a daunting task! Who else is staying in your house while you are away?

  2. We have a couple of families that will go in and out. That way it will still feel homey when we get back. Of course if I was staying it would be a fantastic place for a house party! :P jk, jk. hehe
