Monday, January 18, 2010

Successfully Oriented

The students arrived yesterday and today was our first full day! It was so much more fun on the ship to have other students my age. Made the ship a lot less lonely. I've spent most of my time meeting as many people as I can. It seems its easier than meeting people at UVA for the first semester. I'm not sure why that is, maybe because I've already done it, and realized the trick is just go up to people and introduce yourself, or maybe I'm just significantly cuter now and people want to talk to me ;) just kidding. But it has been fun learning where everyone is from and stuff. There are about 36 students from U Colorado Boulder which makes up the largest population from one school. UVA has 16 students. So far I think I've met 5 of them.

I have met my roommate. She is a sophomore from U of California San Diego and is an aspiring theater and english major. She is nice, although we are certainly very different. Not a bad thing, just will make for an interesting 15 weeks. She has also been fairly sea sick this entire time, so I have not seen much of her. (Btw, I am proud to say although I am not the best at walking around the ship-falling on walls are a common occurrence- I have only felt a little queasy once on the rolling and slightly rough seas that we have been experiencing)

Today was orientation. Rather than having a week to be oriented, it was compressed into a total of 6 hours where everyone sat in the Union (a large room with lights almost like a round theater). We were told all of the regulations and procedures/policies, including honor, and behavior conduct. Reallll fun...

However tomorrow we start classes! I'm actually fairly excited. It's a great way to keep busy and distracted, and all of the professors are offering really interesting courses! But more about that after I've started.

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