Saturday, January 16, 2010


As I mentioned earlier, my Cabin Steward is named Edwin. Well, today I have had quite a few encounters with him. Early in the day, let's say 8:00 or so, I woke up. It's nice because I don't have a roommate right now so I have the entire (small) space to myself. I decided a shower would probably be best before I met the world. The showers on the boat are small, but nice and warm, and a good pressure. (Unlike the ones at UVA where it's a luke warm temperature that leaves goose bumps on your body and a pounding flow of water that leaves entire red splotches on your back) I was taking my time when all of a sudden I hear a knock outside my door. Clearly I can't get it since I'm in the shower...and the door to the bathroom is shut so saying "busy" would be useless. I figured whoever was at the door would go away, but suddenly I hear the creaking of the door and what I believe to be, "Hello! It's Edwin!" ... I didn't realize I had a caller. I stayed in the shower as long as I could until I heard the door shut a second time so that I knew he was gone. Phew! My room hadn't been cleaned so I guess he realized I wasn't ready. Ahh, but later in the day I leave and come back to my room, and what to I find? Everything cleaned! It seems dear Edwin wanted my room to be spotless (even though I had cleaned up mostly) He folded my clothes (and underwear) that were in a pile, put my bear on my pillow and ordered my toiletries in an order of most logical use: tooth brush, floss, face wash, face cream. Thank you Edwin. Everything seemed to have a place, except my wheat thins. It seems he hid them behind all of my other "healthy" food. Was he trying to send me a message? I'm not sure what his deal is. He seems very nice, thorough and efficient, although I want to point out that everyone else I've talked to does not have their underwear folded...

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