Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Classes continued...

So as promised, I have my second update on classes. Today was the last day of "new classes." And I love them just as much! I really feel like and incredible nerd for all this enthusiasm abut school, but it really is true. I love them.

Marine Biology: Abel
Despite being at 8:00am, I really enjoyed this class. I wasn't a big fan of bio in high school, but marine biology is definitely much more interesting. I love watching shark week in the summer, so I figured I would enjoy something along those lines. The professor is clever and can rattle off fun fish facts at a speed I've never seen anyone one do. I think it'll be a really fun class.

Anthropology of Food: Robbins
This class is more than just eating food. I never knew there was more to cultural traditions about food other than the cuisine, but there is so much more ranging from how one prepares it, how one eats it, whether its cooke, or raw, etc. I think I will learn a lot and I plan to try any and every kind of food in the ports. Chicken feet in China? Bring it on! If there's anything I've learned so far on this trip, is that it's live life to the fullest, and I plan to do just that!

Also, I just thought this was funny. Last night the swells of the sea were so bad that things fell off our shelves, our drawers opened and shut uncontrollably. It was a little scary actually. It has continued throughout the day, and in Global Studies today it go so bad that a few girls fell out of their chairs. I would like to brag however and say, I stayed completely stable! No unnecessary embarrassing actions from me today. Nope!

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