Friday, January 29, 2010

Wear Sunscreen Kids!

Wear sunscreen kids! I know the cool kids aren't doing it, but I promise, it will save you a lot of pain later; I have found out the hard way.

This morning I woke up to a nice little surprise- my entire body ached and burned. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I woke up on the ship, or in hell. Unfortunately, once I was able to drag my sorry body out of bed, I looked in the mirror to find one girl, pink and burnt to a crisp. Ouch! It seemed my idea of dabbling on spf 15 sunscreen in the morning had worn off towards the end of the day and I got scorched. Even the white of my forearms that I thought would just stay eternally pasty were bright pink. Most of my body had not been spared except the outline of a swimsuit, which you can imagine looks incredibly odd now. And of course to make it worse, one side of my face was burned. Apparently when your eyelids burn (well one in this case) they swell up... So now I look really odd with one puffy eye, and one normal one. So WEAR SUNSCREEN! I suppose the only silver lining is that it will all tan over in a few days, but for now- Lobster Girl sails the seas!


  1. hahaha! your description definitely created a hilarious picture in my mind! I'm sorry you got so burned though. I hope you've learned to wear sunscreen now. silly girl! :-P If this burn and tan habit continues, you are going to have such a leg up on everyone else with summer tanning.

  2. oh, i wouldn't be surprised if i came back like an amazonian :P its funny though. i'm not the only one who is puffy. my brother fell asleep on the beach and his ear got so puffy it looks like a pink-purple sea urchin attached onto his ear.

  3. hey, i stumbled upon your blog thanks to the SAS site. my mom taught on the spring'09 voyage, and i was lucky enough to get to go. now that i'm back in high school and bored out of my mind, i've been trying to relive the experience by creeping on people's blogs...sorry about that! your blog caught my attention mostly bc my best friend on the ship was also the deans daughter. i hope you have an amazing voyage, can't wait to read all about it!! --jo
