Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Honolulu, Hawaii

Went to sleep last night in Hilo, and woke up the next morning in Honolulu- and I didn't even know we had moved! I guess I am really getting used to the whole living on a ship idea if I don't even notice when the ship moves now. It was certainly a nice surprise though, Honolulu is on the island Ohau (as opposed to The Big Island) and seems to have a bit better weather. It was sunnier, and less chance of rain. So what did I do with a day that was practically all sunshine? Hit the beach of course! Unlike Hilo that has mostly rocky shores, Honolulu is famous for some of its sandy beaches- most noteworthy Waikiki.

Most of my morning consisted of laying on the beach soaking up the rays as only the best of the professional sun worshippers do (yes, I learn from the best Anne Russell!) while Skye hit the waves with surfing lessons. He was so good! Immediately when he got out there he was able to stand up! I have to say not only was I impressed with his skills, I was really proud to call him my brother; Even when he fell. We broke for lunch at the famous Cheeseburger in Paradise where I slurped down a pina colada and (attempted) to finish a gigantic bacon cheeseburger. Mmmm mmm! Delicious!

The afternoon was another beach fun-filled hour or two where this time I tried my hand at surfing. Ok... actually I tried boogie boarding, but honestly it was essentially the same thing. However I did not have the same set of surf legs as Skye. Maybe it has something to do with the fact I ski and he snowboards so he has a leg up on the whole balancing act. Either way, I spent the majority of my time in the water just trying to keep afloat and paddling as hard as I could (it wares out your arms!) I managed to pop up once, but frankly I stayed closer to shore so I didn't catch many good waves. In my class, Sociology of the Sea, we are reading Jaws, and all I could think about was the first scene where a girl goes and swims just 50ft from the shore and... Gulp! there she goes! I wasn't quite ready to be shark bait today, but I did have a lot of fun and I am sad tomorrow is my last day in Hawaii!

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