Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ensenada, Mexico

So I can finally check off my list: sailed on a boat to another country. I'm currently in the Ensenada, Mexico port. We left last night at 11:00 and when I woke up we had arrived at about 9:00 the next morning.

The night was a little bumpy. Some rough seas resulted in a rocking affect. I definitely woke up a few times thinking the ship was sinking... but eventually got used to it and enjoyed the feeling of being rocked to sleep like a baby. Unfortunately it seems it worked a little too well since I missed breakfast, which according to everyone else, is the best meal of the day. But come on, do they really expect college students to get up between 7:30 and 8:30? It's bad enough getting up for a 9:00 class. But we'll see...maybe if the food is really good it will motivate me to wake up an extra hour early.

I've explored the deck a little (although I still don't know my way around quite yet, the ship is huge!) And so far I have managed to lock myself out of my room 3 times. I'm pretty sure my Cabin Steward, Edwin, thinks I either have a crush on him or am a complete ditz because I constantly seek him out and ask super sweet if I can borrow his key to get in my room. He raises his eyebrows and asked if I'll be here all semester. Yep... sorry, Edwin.

Sadly I tried uploading my mini video tour of the ship I made for you all to see. But unfortunately I it didn’t work. Well, we only get 125 free minutes and 50 MB of uploading. I didn’t know there was a limit to uploading MB, and I used all of my bandwidth… and still didn’t get it uploaded. So hopefully I will be able to do it later in port, but I might have to wait until an internet cafĂ© in port or another time. ☹

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