Friday, January 8, 2010


For those of you who remember packing for your first semester in college, you probably remember putting all your favorite things from your room in boxes. Pictures to remind yourself of friends back home, your entire closet, a lamp, maybe a chair, etc. The mass of stuff you planned to take to college dorm life probably took up one full car or more, and it took multiple trips and a few hours to get settled into your new abode. I figured it would be similar packing for semester at sea. I mean, it's still college, and I definitely want pictures in my room and I'm in love with my comforter on my bed. But sadly it doesn't seem plausible to stuff a twin size comforter into two duffle bags... unless I would prefer to skip bringing any clothes what so ever. Obviously I am taking clothes to wear on the ship and a camera and a necessary toothbrush (and floss of course, gotta have that!) but there are a few more odds and ends I'm choosing to sacrifice space for.

Rubber Chicken: For some reason, this rubber chicken makes it to all dorm life I've stayed in...

A Coloring Book: Only My Little Pony will do. It's a fun way to blow off steam, and regressing back to childhood is always a blast.

Magnets: From what I've heard the walls in our rooms are painted with magnetic paint and we are not allowed to hang posters or anything with tape.

Stuffed Animal: It will be like Flat Stanley traveling the world... except a fluffy white polar bear names Hugs

School Supplies: While packing, I conveniently forgot that I would be taking classes on the ship, and will need paper and pencils to take notes with. Oops!

I'm sure there is plenty more, but I'm hoping I don't forget anything in my bag. I have a checklist and it's all I'll need!

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