Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Day of Classes

Ok, so I was going to wait until tomorrow so I could blog about all my classes at once, but I just can't resist telling you all about today. I only had two of my four classes (yes, 12 credits is considered a full course load, hehe) but they were AMAZING! I love them!

Global Studies, 9:30am-10:45am (A and B days)
Taught by Don Gogniat, this course is required for all students and is essentially the narrative of the ship. For the past few voyages, this is class is considered a "pile of shit" as some students have fondly referred to it, but frankly I loved it! The professor is incredibly knowledgeable, really funny, and rides a motorcycle (despite being a little on the older side. He is a geographer, which I hate to say I didn't know that profession still existed, but it seems like something I know little about and am really looking forward to learning about. He calls us "Academic Adventure-ers" and told us to "never let our age get larger than the number of countries we've visited." So far, I'm on track for that :) I have 16, but I will be adding 11 more after this trip!

Sociology of the Sea, 3:30 (A days)
Taught by Audrey Sprenger, this course is about stories of the sea. So far, I am absolutely in love with it! She is an amazing teacher (we had to re-enact the titanic on the edge of the ship for the first 15 minutes of class) and seems to know sooo much. She works at Harvard, but doesn't really believe in traditional academia. She lived in India for four years and is one of the leading experts on Jack Kerouac; she's even writing his biography and has many secret manuscripts and stuff. Our first book we're reading is Jaws, and we're going out at 9pm tonight on the deck to read it with flashlights under the stars with a shark biologist. I think it will be fun and scary!

Anyways, tomorrow I'll share about my other classes, but these were such a hit for me today that I just simply had to share.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Katie! Those classes sound fantastic! Especially your second one. It sounds like they are taught in more unconventional ways, which is super cool! I wish I could say the same about my classes this semester... hahaha I think the only "different" and fun one is Computer Science, with Jim Cohoon. He's the craziest, most intelligent, fun professor I've had so far. We had to write a haiku or sonnet about CS, and icebreakers the first day. haha I'm so glad to hear you're having such a good time so far! :-)
