Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just Dance

Sunburn is all cleared up and has tanned over to a golden goddess look (hehe) and the days at sea are starting to fly by. At first I was afraid the 10 day stretch would be brutal, but its half over and I've had so much work. The days just don't seem to have enough hours in them, even though every once in a while we gain an extra hour.

We crossed the international dateline! I don't quite understand it, so I won't try to explain it here, but basically because of it we lose a day. Today is February 2; tomorrow is February 4! I don't know how I feel about losing a day of my life, but I do like the idea of missing yet another day of February. Now there's only 27 days- and who likes that month anyways?

Last night we had a dance for all the students. It was a mix-match theme so everyone dressed up in their craziest attire and danced the night away! It was an alcohol-free night, so I have to say it was fairly awkward. I believe most people realized just how bad they are at dancing without the help of some liquid courage, but what was most amusing was the constant rocking that would jostle the entire room. It made for quite an interesting night as people were thrown about, all the while unable to see with black lights, strobe lights, and a disco ball displaying red and green designs over everything. All in all (despite being incredibly hot) I enjoyed the evening and it was nice to have music blasting in the background since it is banned from bar night.

Only about 5 more days till Japan! I'm certainly looking forward to it!

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