Thursday, January 28, 2010

Goodbye to Blue Hawaii

Sadly it is time to say goodbye to Hawaii. Today was my last day on the island and I think I'll miss it quite a bit. I went off on my own today so of course it always leads to adventure. Looking for bus routes, places to eat etc. It was fun just to soak up the last bit of land before we embark on the next part of the voyage, an 11 day sail to Japan. (Actually its 10 days because we cross the international dateline, but honestly, who cares? It will be a crazy long time at sea regardless.) What's even worse is that there is class practically everyday! No weekends! Don't get me wrong, I love my classes, but I don't know if I love them that much.

On our way back to the ship, we weren't sure how to catch a bus back from the beach, so we ended up walking the 5 miles. It took about an hour but it was worth it. It was a beautiful scenic walk along the beach and through the city, and we even met up with some fellow SAS students who decided to do the same. Haagen Dazs ice cream was our treat to ourselves where I got raspberry and lemon (Lemon on the bottom of course! My favorite) We had to be back by 6 for on ship time. If you are late, you get dock time in the next port. 1-15 mintues late to on ship time means you have to wait 3 hours in the next port before you can get off, and each 15 minute increment you are late adds another 3 hours! So needless to say I was worried about having to wait in the security line. But we got there with 45 minutes to spare. I was seriously felt up and violated by security (apparently I might be trying to smuggle alcohol on in my "cleavage" so they had to check all over...)- and of course i burt out laughing when they did this. But once they figured out I didn't have contraband, they let me go and write my postcards and take a shower. Phew! What a long day it was, but it's nice to be back on ship.


  1. Hawaii sounds like it was amazing! I want to see pictures! :-)

  2. i'll be uploading a lot of my pictures to facebook along the way so you can definitely check them out there! :)
