Friday, February 5, 2010

Rules Rant

Maybe it's because I have been stuck on this ship for the past 8 days, or maybe I got used to the newfound freedom of college life at UVA, but the rules here are absolutely ridiculous! Honestly, its almost worse than high school here... I need to have a mini rant.

Rule 1: No running.
So I may understand the safety precautions of this rule, but when the crew gets on my case for "jogging" while I try to stable myself on a sea swell, I find that a little crazy. Also, what they don't know, is that it's so much fun to run on the ship-going up and down, trying to avoid walls, while sprinting down the hall in what you assume to be a straight line. Clearly the crew has never tried this if they reprimand kids so harshly.

Rule 2: No feet on the furniture.
Yep, got in trouble for that too. oops!

Rule 3: No food from the cafeteria, or the 7th deck.
This rule might be one of the more annoying ones. Last night I got a pizza and all of the chairs were full in the sitting area, so I wanted to go down a deck and eat it there. Nope. not allowed... and who told me I wasn't allowed? Some really annoying RA who was reclining in a lawn chair. Man I miss the days when I could grab a take out box and eat it in my room. (Ashley, I hope you grab a few from Runk while I'm not there. I miss our sunday breakfast!)

Rule 4: Must always wear shoes.
Not slippers, not socks, always shoes...but the floors are carpeted! And we live here, so its sooo tempting! (I did last night, and was yelled at. As you can see last night was not a day of fun)

Rule 5: 3 Drink Limit
I would go into this one- but i think its fairly obvious. And no other alcohol from port allowed on the ship either. Penalty when caught? One warning (maybe) and then expulsion from program. Uh oh!

Rule 6: Quiet Hours
It doesn't seem to be quite as strict as quiet hours during exam time, but from about 9pm onward we are supposed to be fairly quiet around cabins (which is most of the ship) Sigh... these rules just keep accumulating!

Also, there is talk of a dress code... wah wah wah. Hopefully they don't put one into place, but if kids continue to wear swim clothes to class, they just might. Then it really will be like high school. There are plenty of other rules, but for now, that is enough of a rant. I think part of my annoyance is the fact that I am anxious to get onto land. 2 more days!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I would have never imagined there would be so many rules on a boat! hahaha I guess you are just going to have to become a bit more creative/ sneaky my dear. :-P
    By the way, you are missing THE snowiest winter of our lifetime. I think even our parent's lifetime. Kinda ridiculous. But loving it!
    Random thought, but are you allowed to have food in your room? And what is the max music level allowed. ;-)
    Love you!
