Sunday, July 1, 2012

On Topless Beaches, On Top of Mountains

One of the craziest things on my list of what I wanted to do in Barcelona was go to a topless beach. I can’t say it’s anything I have ever done before- nor necessarily want to do again- but it was an experience I didn’t want to miss. I researched topless beaches in Barcelona, thinking that I would find one good one that we should go to, but turns out that every beach is topless there. Turns out it is actually legal to be  nude in public anywhere as long as it does not create a public disturbance. So the first thing we did on the third day was head to the beach! I won’t be sharing any pictures from that day, but I will say that with 7 giggling girls… we were quite a spectacle. Don’t worry, I put my top immediately back on, but when in Spain right?

Fearing that I may burn my chest, I didn’t stay on the beach very long. The rest of the day was dedicated to touring the city a bit more and especially visit Parc Guell. Parc Guell is the public park filled with more of Gaudi’s crazy architecture and mosaic’s. There were plenty of talented performers in various corners of the park and it reminded me that some day I would love for my a cappella group, Hoos in Treble to do something similar one day. Famous for its brilliant colors, I could have stayed in this park for hours. We climbed to the top of the park and the view was spectacular. You could see the entire city and harbor completely clearly. So I went from no tops, to on top of the world in just a few hours. 

With it being our last night in port we went around to a few more local bars, but didn’t stay out late because we didn’t want to lose any daylight for our last day in port. It was definitely a great choice, because these next few weeks will most likely have little sleep in store.

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