Saturday, May 28, 2011

Back the Ship

So sorry it has taken me so long to get my blog back up and running. Unlike the last voyage, I don't have unlimited internet, so I have had to get creative on how to write these blogs.

Well now I am back on the ship for Semester at Sea part 2. This voyage is only 26 days, which I expect will go extremely fast. This voyage is a lot different feel than the previous one. First off, I am in a third floor room towards the front of the ship. My roommate is great- Bethany, from Texas Tech, a geology major. It's funny, she is worried that at the end of the voyage her luggage will be too heavy for the plane because of all the rocks she will be collecting. Secondly, it is different because of the student makeup. Originally Maymester was supposed to be an engineering voyage, so there are 91 engineers on board. I am in an engineering course, a Panama Case Study, which is kind of hard because I don't know the vocabulary. Out of 15 students, I am one of 2 people not an engineer... Another difference of this voyage is that they don't explain anything... They barely talked about dock time, rules, special things on the ship (like the special dinners) Because it is such a short voyage, I feel like a lot of students are kind of bumbling around.I won't explain all the details of the ship, because I think I outlined more of it in my previous blogs.

I miss my friends from the last voyage, but it's been a ton of fun getting to know new people. There are a lot of UVA students this time, which is really great, so that we can share our experiences when we get back. But a shout out to the kids from Spring 2010- they voyage isn't the same without y'all!

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