So I am technically home already, but I wanted to finish up my blog posts. I know a few of you have asked if I would- apologies for taking so long. At the end of the voyage things got very hectic with exams and saying goodbyes.
Salvador was a wonderful port. I had no unpleasant experiences, unlike others; there were muggings and stolen bank accounts. In fact, I felt that Salvador was one of the safer ports. I certainly felt that way after Ghana. The first day was dedicated to exploring the city. In order to get up to the historical part of town we had to take an elevator, which of course was miserable for me, seeing as in general, I hate elevators. But the ride up was well worth it. Old town was beautiful and so cute! All of the buildings were painted different colors, restaurants had outdoor seating, and since it was a girl's day out (the only day I ever travelled with all girls) we were given many free trinkets- a flower nimbly made out of palm leaves and some sort of swan like creature. Shopping around was fun and just generally soaking up the sun in our last port was exactly how I wanted to spend my first day in our last port. Especially before the evening...
The evening was reserved for a special last dinner at the Brazilian Steakhouse, Boi Pretto. I've never been to a restaurant like this, but all I can say is that it is probably my favorite restaurant now. It catered to my new found hobby of eating- make fun of me all you want, but porky here loves to eat and doesn't mind that she's gained weight. In fact she's thrilled! In order to get food, all you had to do was turn over a card that signaled to the waiter you would like slivers or rather slabs, of meat carved onto your plate. Needless to say my card was never flipped over to tell them to stop. The meat was amazing, my favorite being the filet mignon, and I probably could have eaten more, but eventually I needed to stop for fear I would have to be rolled out of there. We also had plenty of bottles of both wine and champagne, so it was good that I ate enough to soak it all up. All in all, a wonderful last dinner with everyone in the last port.
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