When a ship crosses the equator, there is a large celebration for everyone on the ship. Anyone who hasn’t crossed the equator before is known as a “Pollywog” and once you have crossed you become a “Shellback.” Rumors on the Semester at Sea ship were flying the day before Neptune Day (called that because Neptune is the sea god.) There were rumors about when or how we were going to be woken up, what would we would have to do in order to earn our “Shellback” title.
Rumors were dispelled however when everyone was woken up by a loud banging of pots and pans, whistles, and cymbals. The crew marched through the hallways in toga-esque attire at 7:30-8:00 am. Half an hour or so was allotted for people to change into swimsuits, but by 9am the majority of the ship was on the top 7th deck getting ready to shed their “Pollywog” status. Every student stood in the shallow end of the pool as some of the administration poured buckets of unidentified bright green goop each person’s head. It was representing fish guts, however it was actually fish paste and kool-aid mixed together. Next step was jumping into the pool- I though this would help since I had gotten some of the mystery liquid in my mouth… but unfortunately the pool had the same fishy taste and color as the liquid poured on my head. Waiting around in the pool was fun, but upon getting out, everyone had to kiss a fish. Some people even bit or made-out with the fish. After being crowned by the Executive Dean, I had successively crossed the equator and become a “Shellback.” I immediately bought a kitkat to get the fishy taste out of my mouth. Luckily I escaped the second half of the ritual of head shaving. About 50 people (a dozen or so girls) took a razor to their head and went bald. I love my hair too much to give it up, and I wasn’t so sure I could rock the Natalie Portman look.
The rest of Neptune day was filled with relaxation. I laid out, read, and enjoyed a delicious barbeque in the evening with chicken, corn and strawberry ice cream. I love it when we have planned event days because the food is so much better and everyone is in a great mood.
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