Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to Pack Your Whole Life into One Suitcase

So as I am preparing for what is probably my last Semester at Sea voyage, I started browsing through the Facebook group to see what was interesting my new shipmates. I noticed a lot of them had questions about what to pack, what trips to take, how the food was etc... Blogs are really the best way to gain as much information about the voyage as possible without actually speaking to a past voyager directly, or experiencing the ship for yourself. Most blogs are chalk full of fascinating stories, jaw dropping pictures and fun anecdotal lessons that any future voyager or friend back home would love to read... but tips on packing seem to get lost in the shuffle. So here's some tips about what to pack and how to pack for each voyage I have been on (because packing for each voyage is different!)

The first tip that goes for all three voyages (semester, maymester or summer) is that the ship is cold. The sheets and covers on the bed are nice, but having an extra blanket is great to add a layer and fairly easy to pack. I'm not saying bring your entire comforter from your bed, as nice as that would be, but a blanket that you can sleep comfortably with or trudge up to the 8th deck for stargazing would be ideal. A sweatshirt is also an important thing to have because at night it sometimes is a bit windy or class can be chilly.

If you want to make your cabin a little more personalized and homey, or put up postcards and pictures from your travels, then bring magnets. Tape is not allowed on the walls, and nails can't get through the metal. Decorating your room (even just a little bit) is a fun way to make the semester or summer long voyage your own, though the maymester is so short and you spend such little time in your cabin that it may not be as necessary. Still, it is fun to hang up postcards or a map and trace your progress around the globe!

Chances are someone in your group of friends will have one... but why not let that friend be you? Cards are a great way to meet people and relax on the 7th deck. They are lightweight, easy to carry, and everyone knows some sort of game (even if it's Go Fish or Slap Jack)

This piece of advice you can take if you'd like, but I would remember that although you're having a blast traveling, don't forget about those at home. It's easy to get caught up in the moment, or be home sick, so bring a picture of your special someone or family. It's nice to have and can be a talking point for visitors to your room. Also, send postcards to help document your trip and share your experiences- so get those addresses of your friends before you leave! It's one small thing that can mean the world to someone back home and enhance your own experience- especially if you send a postcard to yourself! You'll get it a few weeks after you get back most likely and it's a great random reminder of the voyage.

Depending on the length of the voyage the amount of clothes may vary, but in general I would say pack as if you are going on a trip for only 3 weeks, rather than months at a time. They offer fairly cheap laundry service every so often for your floor on the ship and I promise, you will not wear everything if you bring lots of clothes. However, do bring a variety of clothes. I would suggest some nice clothes for class and going into nicer ports, a few pairs of clothes you could potentially throw away (India turned most of my clothes brown) and a nice outfit for the end of voyage Alumni Ball -- (If you are going on a voyage that stops in Vietnam, it could be fun to have a dress or suit made however) Also be weary of packing appropriate clothing to visit countries or events that require special garments (i.e. mosques and temples require knees to be covered for women and pants for men)

Here is the list of things that I am bringing on my Summer 2012 voyage:

15 short sleeve t shirts
5 long sleeve tshirts
7 nice shirts

7 nice shorts
4 "throw-away" shorts
4 various pants
1 skirt
5 dresses

6 undergarments
21 pairs of underwear
10 pairs of socks

3 swimsuits
5 pajamas

1 pair of tennis shoes, 1 pair of flip flops, 1 pair of heels

Then of course I am bringing a blanket, sweatshirt, bath products, and an extra towel thrown in for good measure.

And yes... all of that fits in one large rolling duffle bag suitcase.

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