This blog is fairly late because frankly, I don't have much to say about Ghana, Togo or Benin.
I didn't really like Ghana all that much. I only spent one day there, so perhaps I didn't really give it a chance, but I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon. The one day I spent in Ghana was on a sunday, so he city was mostly quiet. I went around with my parents for the day, so of course we went to the museums and monuments, etc. We ended the day by going to the only market we could find open. It was absolutely crazy. Everyone wanted to sell us things, they swarmed! (Almost worse than China because they would follow you around as they shopped) I didn't have any interest to buy things at this particular market so I waited on the outskirts for the parents to take a "quick" look around. They took over an hour... and left me there. What a bad decision. most people think Ghanaians are friendly people, and for the most part, I would agree with that statement. But for me, the men got a little too friendly. As I waited outside the market I was approached by numerous men who would kiss my hand, and touch me in a way that made me extremely uncomfortable. In an hour I received 3 proposals, too many "I love you"s to count, and one man asked me to take him back to America with me. I have maybe 4 emails of all these people, but one in particular sticks out in my mind. This guy (a man really) named "Prince" gave me his email, and called me his Queen. He asked me to email him (which I haven't done yet, and am skeptical about doing at all). He never asked me to marry him... but rather just claimed me as his wife. He told other people this, and gave me a Ghanaian flag and a free keychain as a pre-wedding present. Apparently I'm supposed to put the keychain on my keys, so that every time I turn on the car I will think of him. I'm pretty sure that will be true, but probably not in the way he wants me to think of him. Sorry Prince!
While other people spent their last 3 days in Ghana, I went on a Semester at Sea sponsored trip to 2 extra African countries, Togo and Benin. Both are french speaking countries, so I was excited to use my language skills, but I didn't really get to as much as I expected. Out of the 56 hours or so of the trip, over 24 hours was spent in a small mini bus. It was hot, cramped, and in general not very fun. The places we visited while there mostly small museums... and they weren't that great.
But I don't want this blog to be a complete downer. I did have a few interesting experiences on the Togo and Benin trip. We went to a Python temple and I had a python wrapped around my neck and shoulders, and the second day we were there we visited a village completely on stilts in the middle of a very large lake (river?)
So all in all, my West African experience unfortunately did not meet my expectations, so I'm not necessarily itching to go back anytime soon- yet I feel like I owe it another chance, so I'm sure I'll be back sometime.